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Encrypt and decrypt files from Windows command prompt

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Encrypt and decrypt files from Windows command prompt

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A command line utility to encrypt and decrypt files

  • Encrypt/decrypt a single file
  • Encrypt/decrypt a file in-place-
  • Uses SHA256 hashing and RC4 encryption
  • Support operating system: Windows 7 and up.
  • 64-bit platform
  • Freeware

Usage help

The zip file contains the main executable encdec.exe which is capable of encrypting and decrypting files.

Help output from encdec:

         )        (
       ( /(    (   )\ )          (
 (    )\())   )\ (()/(   (      )\\
 )\  ((_)\  (((_) /(_))  )\   (((_)
((_)  _((_) )\___(_))_  ((_)  )\___
| __|| \| |((/ __||   \ | __|((/ __|
| _| | .` | | (__ | |) || _|  | (__
|___||_|\_|  \___||___/ |___|  \___|
|| Encrypt and decrypt files with ease ||
encdec -e|d [-r] [-np] -p password -i inputfile -o outputfile

-e: encrypt mode
-d: decrypt mode
-p: password to encrypt or decrypt. Optional. If not specified, you will be asked to enter it.
-i: file to encrypt or decrypt
-o: output file where the encrypted or decrypted content is to be stored
-r: remove the input file after successful encryption or decryption
-np: does not display the progress bar. Optional.
-ow: overwrite an existing file speicifed as the output. Optional.
Encrypt a file and store the output to a new file:
  encdec -e -p guesswhat -i c:\bigsecret.txt -o c:\bigsecret.enc
Decrypt a file and store the output to a new file:
  encdec -d -p guesswhat -i c:\bigsecret.enc -o c:\bigsecret.txt
Encrypt a file and store the output in the same file:
  encdec -e -p guesswhat -ow -i c:\bigsecret.txt -o c:\bigsecret.txt
Decrypt a file and store the output in the same file:
  encdec -d -p guesswhat -ow -i c:\bigsecret.txt -o c:\bigsecret.txt
Uses SHA256 hashing & RC4 encryption algorithms.
Email: sbytestream@outlook.com
Web  : https://sbytestream.pythonanywhere.com
(C) Siddharth Barman, 2021

Examples of encrypting Encrypt a file and store the output to a new file and specifying the password as a parameter:

encdec -e -p guesswhat -i c:\bigsecret.txt -o c:\bigsecret.enc
Decrypt a file and store the output to a new file, without specifying the password as a parameter, encdec will ask you to enter the password:
encdec -d -i c:\bigsecret.enc -o c:\bigsecret.txt
Encrypt a file and store the output in the same file:
encdec -e -ow -i c:\bigsecret.txt -o c:\bigsecret.txt
Decrypt a file and store the output in the same file:
encdec -d -ow -i c:\bigsecret.txt -o c:\bigsecret.txt

Icon used from http://www.doublejdesign.co.uk/

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