Man is a visual creature, I guess that is why photography has interested me. To tell the truth I am perhaps not even an "enthusiast" as I haven't touched my camera in the last four months.
Today was different. I thought I'd readup a little of the basics like f-stops, camera modes before the start of my vacation. Reading the theory is fine but what is really needed to learn anything well is the actual 'doing' but when it comes to taking photos what am I going to use as a subject at 4 PM in a summer afternoon? Its so hot I can't even imagine going out of my apartment.
Well, page 21 of Better Photo Basics by Jim Miotke has the answer. The title of the page is 'Finding Inspiration in Uninspiring Places', imagine that! Alright so what are the tips?
- Start shooting anyway
- Go somewhere new
- Look around you
Sure I was prepared to start shooting anyway but definitely not 'go somewhere new', so, I started to 'look around you' and what do I see? My ol' guitar.