Here's a small utility which creates a html report of all VeraCode projects. It's written in C# so if you're thinking of interacting with VeraCode using its APIs, the code here can act as a good start for the great application you are about to develop.
How to run it?
First of all you need to have your VeraCode id and secret key. VeraCode advises not to embed these in your application, rather you should store these in a credentials file. The credentials file works a lot like Amazon Web Services' credentials file where you can have mutliple profiles. This utility assumes you have the VeraCode credentials file correctly configured.
The utility needs three inputs to run which have to be specified at the command line:
verastat -p VeraCodeProfile> -r ReportFilename -o FolderPath
- -p: Specifies the profile in the VeraCode credentials file to use to authenticate
- -r: Specifies the name of the report file, the filename will be appended with the current date
- -o: Generates html file with status results in the folder specified
The report
The utility will display the process as it run, once it completes it creates three files in the report folder:
- The report html file
- Two PNG images

The utility can be downloaded here:

The code is available on GitHub.