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blog-icon Creating a two node Elastic Search cluster on Windows

In this blog post we will be setting up a 2 node Elastic Search cluster on a Windows 10 or 11 machine using HyperV. We will be running two Ubuntu servers, installing Elastic Search on both and creating a cluster.

blog-icon Installing and running ElasticSearch 8.x on Linux (RHEL or Amazon Linux)

This blog post discusses installing and configuring Elastic Search 8.x and Kibana on RedHat Linux or Amazon Linux.

blog-icon Writing a Linux service in DotNetCore

This blogpost discusses how to create a Linux service using DotNet Core (6) and how to implement a clean shutdown routine.

blog-icon Mirror your Git repository

This post discusses how a copy of a Git repository can be created and maintained.

blog-icon Spring boot with mutual TLS authentication

This post discusses how to enable SSL and client authentication in a Spring boot application.