The best way to learn the capabilities offered by a new technology is to actually use it. This is no different for Azure Storage.
Recently while brushing up on Azure Storage I realized that I don't remember most of what I had studied couple-of-months back. I couldn't remember the exact behavior of many of the Azure Storage APIs. This is when I decided to re-read as much of the basic Azure Storage capabilities and record the knowledge in the form of a working example.
A personal fact - I hate writing code which cannot be of some practical use. This led me to design an application which is somewhat like Microsoft's Azure Storage Explorer. It therefore has some practical use and also demonstrates many of the Azure Storage capabilities. It's a great teaching tool as you drop into any of the storage related APIs and demonstrate what you are teaching. The entire source is available on GitHub so get it now!
OK, so you want to know more. Here is a screenshot of the application:

Here is a list of the capabilities of Storage View:
List object
List containers, blobs, queues, tables and data.
Work with blobs
Upload files as blobs, specify metadata during upload, upload files using multiple blocks, upload append blobs, append text or file data to append blobs, download blobs, view blob properties, rename, take and release leases, check ETags and delete blobs.
Work with tables
Create tables, insert sample data in tables, view any data held in tables and delete table entities.
Work with queues
Create queues, add messages, peek messages, get messages and clear queues.
Work with fileshares
List, create and delete fileshare. Within fileshares, list directories and files, create files, upload files, delete files and delete directories.
The entire source code is on GitHub and is avialable for free. Hopefully you'll find this useful. You can send questions and comments to
The code is in bit of a mess so if you find something which can be improved please mail me.